#supabase vs. #fly #

Kicking out some toy apps, and fiddling with a #phoenix app deployed to fly.io — they have an alpha integration back to supabase, nice. I don't want to manage #postgres. BUT when my fly machines are suspended, I'll frequently hit an #ecto issue whereby the database times out, and the user is presented with a disappointing "internal server error" screen. Refresh the page, everything is fine...

The internet is a series of tubes. The tubes are clogged when my fly machines are stopped. Guess I'll set fly.toml to always have one machine up. #til

  min_machines_running = 1

pending... fly.io may have a more bespoke approach for managed postgres soon. Surely there's a way to have these cold-boot machines more quickly connect to supabase.

Remembering that I've forgotten how to type an em—dash #

Option + Shift + Hyphen = lol

etc. #

hamhock/hipbone hambone/legbone